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Icarus / Re: Main Mix Page for Icarus 2 Multi Preset
« Last post by carlo celuque on September 26, 2024, 04:09:21 PM »
Hi Markus,

I finnaly figured it out at Drum - Arp page.

Thank you very much.
Icarus / Re: Main Mix Page for Icarus 2 Multi Preset
« Last post by Markus Krause on September 25, 2024, 08:23:52 AM »
Hello Carlo,

what is the name of the patch you refer to?

You can mute oscillators by clicking on the ON button on the top right in the panel.
You can change the volume of the oscillators with the VOL knob.

Some complex patches also play additional sampler-voices within the drum sequencer. Open the 'drums' tab.
Here you can use 'Vol' to change the volume and the 'M' to mute.

Best Regards,
Icarus / Main Mix Page for Icarus 2 Multi Preset
« Last post by carlo celuque on September 24, 2024, 09:56:34 PM »
Hi Tone 2 friends,

I am sorry for what maybe a dumb question but I was looking into the Icarus 2 manual and could not find a page to edit the Mix of a Multi patch!
There is a complex 1 Key Hold patch with a kick, a Bass and an Arp, where can I mute/unmute each of this voices?
Is there any kind of a mixer just to do it? I don`t want to mute the oscilators in every voice! Is there a simple way?
Thank you,
Tone2 Electra3 / Re: FR: Additional Sizes for Electra3
« Last post by Markus Krause on August 29, 2024, 11:48:56 AM »
It looks a bit blurry and the layout of some GUI elements is shifted slightly as they coordinates are no multiples of 6 or 8.
Tone2 Electra3 / Re: FR: Additional Sizes for Electra3
« Last post by zvenx on August 27, 2024, 11:19:36 PM »
You're right. It must not necessarily be a prime number. Good ratios are fractions of small integer numbers.

I will run some tests with 7/8 (87.5%) and 5/6 (83.33%). If it looks nice I'll add it as an additional resolution.

Hi Markus, any update or progress on this?
Icarus / Re: Default settings
« Last post by Codesound on August 24, 2024, 07:32:43 PM »
Thanks Markus, sounds like maybe the template idea is the best for me
Icarus / Re: Default settings
« Last post by Markus Krause on August 23, 2024, 07:25:01 AM »
Overriding parameters of patches is not possible, but you can overwrite patches with new settings.

1) Load the patch
2) Set Arp/LFO to free
3) file->Quick save patch


You can also create your own templates for initializing patches:

1) Create a patch with your default init settings
2) Save it to the the Templates directory as MyGreatTemplate.fxp

When you want to init a new patch load MyGreatTemplate instead if hitting the Init button

Best Regards,
Icarus / Default settings
« Last post by Codesound on August 21, 2024, 12:56:56 PM »

Is there any way to set the default settings?  I have been having a LOT of fun with wavetables, but I pretty much always want to have Arp/LFO set to free.  It keeps resetting.  Would be great if there was some way I could save this setting.


RayBlaster / RayBlaster3 Video
« Last post by Markus Krause on August 08, 2024, 01:40:42 PM »
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