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Off topic / Re: BF
« Last post by Markus Krause on November 20, 2024, 10:59:54 AM »
Hello Robin,

We will send out an email with extra discount links to all faithful customers: Icarus3 and Nemesis3
The offer is exclusive to our customers and will be only valid till November the 30th.

There is also a new webpage with Bundle Discounts here:

There is also an Effects Bundle available now (PC only):

Best Regards,
Off topic / BF
« Last post by Robin on November 19, 2024, 03:53:04 PM »
Will there be a black friday sale?
Warlock / Re: Graphic issue with NI Komplete Kontrol 3.3.3 and Warlock
« Last post by Markus Krause on October 23, 2024, 09:46:34 AM »
Hello Laszlo,

we investigated it.
There are no such issues known from other users or other DAWs. The issue is caused by KK 3.3.3.
Please note that we can only fix bugs of our own software.

I recommend:
- Close all other software that is running in the background
- Reboot your computer

If this does not help:
- Send a bug report to Native Instruments. The issue might also affect other plugins.
- Downgrade to KK 3.2.1 till Native Instruments has fixed the compatibility problem
- Load Warlock directly to your DAW (Cubase/Cantabile) instead of loading it to KK 3.3.3

Best Regards,
Warlock / Graphic issue with NI Komplete Kontrol 3.3.3 and Warlock
« Last post by Laszlo on October 22, 2024, 02:40:38 PM »
Hello Friends
After updating to Native Instruments Komplete Kontrol 3.3.3 (latest version) Warlock has a strange issue.
When the Komplete Kontrol window (with Warlock inside) is closed, there is a weird flickering over the UI windows and the menu items as well and programs become unresponsive or sluggish until the Komplete Kontrol window is opened again, when things go back normal.
The issue does not appear with KK 3.2.1., and can be produced in Cubase 13 and Cantabile Solo.
I understand that this looks more of a Native Instruments issue, however I hope that a workaround exists until they come up with a fix.
Saurus / Re: Saurus Sine
« Last post by Dumtek on October 19, 2024, 05:46:56 PM »
Okedoke...I'll give it a go!
Saurus / Re: Saurus Sine
« Last post by Markus Krause on October 15, 2024, 12:29:05 PM »
Hello Dumtek,

There are two ways to create sine sounds:

1) Use Sinoid as a wavefom and set TONE to -100.
Example patch: Lead->Sine Space

2) Use the filter with self oscillation. Route key to cutoff and set reso to 100%.
Example patch: Lead Vintage->Tribute to Lean BT

Saurus / Saurus Sine
« Last post by Dumtek on October 15, 2024, 11:04:09 AM »
This is probably a stupid question...But is there a way to create a pure Sine wave in Saurus?
Icarus / Re: Main Mix Page for Icarus 2 Multi Preset
« Last post by carlo celuque on September 26, 2024, 04:09:21 PM »
Hi Markus,

I finnaly figured it out at Drum - Arp page.

Thank you very much.
Icarus / Re: Main Mix Page for Icarus 2 Multi Preset
« Last post by Markus Krause on September 25, 2024, 08:23:52 AM »
Hello Carlo,

what is the name of the patch you refer to?

You can mute oscillators by clicking on the ON button on the top right in the panel.
You can change the volume of the oscillators with the VOL knob.

Some complex patches also play additional sampler-voices within the drum sequencer. Open the 'drums' tab.
Here you can use 'Vol' to change the volume and the 'M' to mute.

Best Regards,
Icarus / Main Mix Page for Icarus 2 Multi Preset
« Last post by carlo celuque on September 24, 2024, 09:56:34 PM »
Hi Tone 2 friends,

I am sorry for what maybe a dumb question but I was looking into the Icarus 2 manual and could not find a page to edit the Mix of a Multi patch!
There is a complex 1 Key Hold patch with a kick, a Bass and an Arp, where can I mute/unmute each of this voices?
Is there any kind of a mixer just to do it? I don`t want to mute the oscilators in every voice! Is there a simple way?
Thank you,
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