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Author Topic: Icarus 2 - Gliding notes  (Read 643 times)


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Icarus 2 - Gliding notes
« on: April 22, 2024, 08:50:27 PM »
Is there a way to make Icarus 2 glide from note to note no matter what, instead of (seemingly) requiring notes to overlap?

And is there a way for the glide to only happen with overlap OR when notes are right next to each other?

So far, I've only managed to trigger gliding when notes overlap.

Markus Krause

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Re: Icarus 2 - Gliding notes
« Reply #1 on: April 23, 2024, 08:41:46 AM »
Hello Moni,

Yes. This is possible.

1) Init a new patch

2) On the top left change Polyphonic 12 to Monophonic

3) Change the Glide knob to a value around 60%

Best Regards,


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Re: Icarus 2 - Gliding notes
« Reply #2 on: April 24, 2024, 02:06:35 PM »
Didn't think of being in Monophonic for that but yes, it works! Of note: this particular use of Glide is the only one I don't see mentioned in the manual (again, Icarus 2, might have been fixed since).

That leaves me with one case I can't reproduce : glides that happen with notes touching each other (one ends, another one begins at the same time -- no gap), but without needing overlap.
I have some VSTs that have legato work like this but I don't have enough experience to know if this is to be expected, or just an implementation choice of legato.

Markus Krause

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Re: Icarus 2 - Gliding notes
« Reply #3 on: April 24, 2024, 08:06:51 PM »
■ Play mode selector
Play mode sets the number of voices (and how they are handled) available to the current patch and
how Icarus reacts to you playing your keyboard controller. It can be set to Monophonic, legato and
several Polyphonic modes. Having lower setngs will use less CPU, more will increase CPU load but
may be needed for certain patches to sound well (no voices being cut of or unnatural sustains)

◦ Monophonic - This mode sets the polyphony to 1 note
(monophonic) which mimics the way the classic analogue
synthesizers of the past behaved.

◦ Legato new - The punchy sounding Legato new is suitable for
modern music.
When you play a key, no gliding will occur ? the oscillators will
immediately play the new note. As soon as you release the second
key the oscillators will glide.
The glide knob controls the glide speed of the oscillators. If you set
the Retrig (Re-trigger) option for the Envelopes to of, the
Envelopes will also be re-triggered when you release a key.

◦ Legato Classic - This is a classic Legato. When you play the frst key
no gliding will occur. As soon as you press another key the
oscillators will glide.
The glide knob controls the glide speed of the oscillators. If you set the Retrig (Re-trigger) option for
the Envelopes to of, the Envelopes will also be re-triggered when you release a key.

◦ Polyphonic 1-64 - These are Polyphonic play-modes similar to what you know from
conventional synthesizers.
The number represents the number of voices that are available. When this limit is reached
the engine sofly fades out voices without any clicks. If you use unison (2X or 4X), the
number of voices is automatically multiplied by 2 or 4. This way voice management is taken
care of for you automatically. In most cases 6 or 8 voices will sufce.
Should you notice that the CPU usage is too high you can reduce the number of voices or
switch of any oscillator unison options.
The glide knob controls the glide speed of the oscillators. In Polyphonic mode polyphonic
gliding is supported. Gliding always occurs if the glide knob is set to a value larger than 0.