Please, is it possible in next update to have a Master Tuning in HZ (like the one in Kontakt or Omnisphere) to make possible to tune Saurus with other than the standard A440 Hz
(like A432, A435, A444 and so on)?!?
At the moment I should do that in the Matrix... with Const applied to Osc Fine,
but it's not easy to set it with precision, and it works only on the current patch sound,
not a general plugin setting.
I would like also to be able to assign external CC controllers to Cutoff, Resonance and many more other parameters directly on the GUI knobs (as in Omnisphere and other synths).
On my system (Cubase 4.2, VEPRO 5 and Windows7 64bit) that doesn't work!
I make it work only through Cubase automation quick controls in the inspector, but that's not confortable...
and if transferring Saurus instance inside VEPRO, the recorded automation seems to not work anymore.
Do CC controls really not work directly on Saurus GUI or am I doing anything the wrong way?
(or my system it's the one working wrong?)
Thanks in advance!