I recommend that you check out Icarus3. This synth has very deep waveform and wavetable editing capabilities.
https://www.tone2.com/icarus.htmlCustom Waveforms & Resynthesis in Tone2 Electra3The Custom Wave oscillator type allows you to load user-waveforms. I also allows to resynthesize waveforms from samples which the synth automatically tunes and loops.
The PW control can be used to modulate the pulsewidth of the waveform.
The Start point control changes the start phase of the waveform. Setting it to 100% will change it to Free-running and cause the phase to be randomly changed every time a note is played.
'Custom Wave ->load Wave ' will open a standard file browser where you can load your own sample files (.wav file extension).
How the synth resynthesizes your sample depends on the size of the sample file.
File with less than 4096 samples: The synth will treat these sample files as a single cycle waveform and will automatically, stretch and loop it.
File with 4096 samples or more: The synth will automatically tune, stretch and loop the sample. It will then resynthesize a custom waveform from the middle section of the sound.
'Custom Wave ->save Wave ' exports the waveform as a sample files (.wav file extension).
'Custom Wave ->random Wave ' generates a random waveform.