The update to v3.2 is available for free for all Tone2 Electra3 customers. It is downward compatible with all previous versions. All existing song projects and patches can be loaded without any further steps necessary. They will benfit from the enhanced sound-quality.
Click here for a large view of the new interface: features:- 'Fat tune clean' and 'Fat tune soft' make chords sound a lot better.
- A checkmark shows the currently selected editor size.
Enhancements:- The microtuning-range is now limited and can not longer run 'out-of-tune'.
- The synth 'sits better in the mix' with other instruments.
- Enhanced stability and robustness.
- Enhanced GUI performance with drag&drop.
- The blue shadow that appeared with drag&drop did confuse some users. It was removed.
- Range-clipping makes the envelopes more stable when extreme modualtion settings are used.
- Enhanced sound of the 'Analog Heavy' microtuning-mode. Detuning does not longer get too extreme.
- Enhanced sound of the 'Analog Light' microtuning-mode. Thirds sound more plesant.
- Enhanced sound of the 'Fat tune soft' microtuning-mode. Thirds sound more plesant.
- Broken patches with invalid dropdown-menu values get fixed automatically.
- Enhanced parameter-smoothing.
- The mousewheel is more responsive with knobs on the Mac.
- Buggy DAWs can not longer crash the synth by sending garbage midi-note values.
- Several small enhancements.
Fixes:- The Hypersaw modes with '9x' oscillators could occasionally create a phasing sound on Mac.
- The microtuning mode 'Fat 1' was not downward compatible and could sound too much detuned.
- The cursor did only change to modulation-depth-editing when zoom was set to 100%.
- The gui-size-changer on the bottom-right did not longer work after after the patch-browser had been opened.
- Fixed some really rarely happening crashes.
- Fixed a rare crash with IQM that appeared on certain DAWSs on Intel Macs after loading while playing chords.
Download - free demo & update: - new features in Tone2 Electra3: Video - new sounds: