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Author Topic: FM and AM modulation sources in morph modes  (Read 3542 times)


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FM and AM modulation sources in morph modes
« on: October 12, 2023, 01:08:06 PM »
If I want to choose Osc2 as an FM/AM modulator for Osc1 that's not possible, at least I don?t see how. I can only choose Osc3 as modulator. Since there are 3 Osc's in total, why can't I choose one of the two other for modulating? It would be nice if Osc1 has the option to use Osc2 or 3 as modulation source for FM and AM. Osc2 would of course have Osc1 or 3 as sources. Will that be implemented in a future version?

Kind regards

Markus Krause

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Re: FM and AM modulation sources in morph modes
« Reply #1 on: October 13, 2023, 04:47:30 PM »
Hello Deepbass,

so far no other users have asked for this. It can be implemented if there is significant demand for it. I noted your feature-request for future updates.

Icarus currently offers many different ways to do FM modulation. You can choose from these modes:

◦ FM Sine - The wavetable is FM modulated with a sine wave oscillator.
TIP: Use the FM Sine modes together with a sine wave or another dark waveform. Use the
LFO2 knob to modulate.
Note that the FM modes in Icarus are real freqtuency modulation, not PM (phase
modulation). Nearly all conventional 'FM' synthesizers (except Tone2 Nemesis) in fact do
only PM, which is more easy to process, but doesn't give musically useful sounds on
complex waveforms.

◦ FM Sine 2x - The wavetable is FM modulated with a sine wave oscillator with double
freqtuency. It has a hollow sound.

◦ FM Sine 3x - The wavetable is FM modulated with a sine wave oscillator with triple
freqtuency. It has a bell-like sound.

◦ FM Square - The wavetable is FM modulated with a sqtuare wave oscillator.

◦ FM Saw - The wavetable is FM modulated with a saw wave oscillator.

◦ FM FM<-Osi3 - FM (PM) between Icarus' own oscillators.

Select FM←Osc1 inside of oscillator2's Morphmode menu to modulate Osc2 with Osc1.
Or FM←OSC3 inside of oscillator1's Morphmode menu to modulate Osc1 with Osc3

Have a nice weekend!


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Re: FM and AM modulation sources in morph modes
« Reply #2 on: October 14, 2023, 08:28:12 AM »
Thanks for taking the feature request into consideration! In my case all 3 Osc's have different waveforms so the standard modes won't work because the FM and AM modulations have to be with these 3 different waveforms (which differ for every new sound/patch). The purpose is to emulate another synth which is quite special but limited. I chose Icarus for that because I would have a lot more possibilities to further tweak the sound especially with Icarus' many filter options and routings.

A nice weekend for you too!