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Author Topic: New song with UltraSpace effects to check out as of Oct. 23rd!  (Read 12627 times)

aaron aardvark

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New song with UltraSpace effects to check out as of Oct. 23rd!
« on: October 24, 2018, 08:04:01 AM »
I put a new song in my music website called “The Big T. Rex Grabs the Horse”.  There is UltraSpace effects on the lead guitar and the vocals.  Anyway, tell me how you like the song, and how it can be improved, and I promise to return the favor, if you wish. The song is at the top of this link:

Why the crazy song title? The first dinosaur fossil was found in 1677, yet the Jewish Synagogue Umm-Kanatir (400-700 A.D.; on the Golan Heights) has a sculpture that looks like dinosaurs attacking a horse. How can that be?

Markus Krause

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Re: New song with UltraSpace effects to check out as of Oct. 23rd!
« Reply #1 on: October 24, 2018, 09:20:08 AM »
Hello Aaron,

thank you for sharing your song. I like especially the synth part of it.


aaron aardvark

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Re: New song with UltraSpace effects to check out as of Oct. 23rd!
« Reply #2 on: October 25, 2018, 04:34:48 AM »
Thank you for listening and commenting, I appreciate it!   :)


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Re: New song with UltraSpace effects to check out as of Oct. 23rd!
« Reply #3 on: October 28, 2018, 01:15:03 AM »
Hey Aaron,

I like the song! I even searched the web for a picture of the dinosaurs and found it. Yes, it looks like a trex, biting a horse from the side! :D I like the title and the story behind it!. The only thing about the song, that I would consider looking at (and that is of course my very subjective opinion) is the middle part, where the drums fade away slowly. I'd rather change the drum pattern, e.g. mute the kick for some bars, put some reverb on the snare and let it fade this way. When the beat comes back, that part is ok for me, but the slow volume fade sucks the power from this part of the song (in my humble opinion!).
All in all this song made me smile all morning, which is a good thing! ;D



P.S. As I write this, the next song (jason bourne) plays and I like that one also, especially the guitar riffs and the drums! (And the synth part in the last third!) ;)

aaron aardvark

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Re: New song with UltraSpace effects to check out as of Oct. 23rd!
« Reply #4 on: October 28, 2018, 03:00:23 AM »
Thank you for listening and replying, I appreciate it!  If the topic of religion interests you at all (I am not Jewish), send me a private message.  If you have any music you want me to review, leave me a link.