Hi Markus
Totally loving Icarus! Sounds amazing and super fun to use

I've got a few feature requests below, thanks!
A way to simply step / scroll through ARP presets (even if was as basic as alt / shift alt clicking the Tool button to increment / decrement preset), at the moment it's really fiddly to step through and try out different ARP presets just using the tool menu.
Folders / nested folders in the wavetables folder / list to organise large collections of wavetables
Arrow keys on the computer keyboard (OSX) to select next patch in browser, they do change last touched parameter, but I would rather this function was off by default as I use these keys to switch between tracks in the daw generally.
Free / sync button added to each LFO rather than the current global setting for all LFOs
Step LFO: In the step LFO make the area just above and just below box active to quickly set steps to maximum or minimum by dragging along: clicking on a step in the step LFO then dragging down to just below the box and then dragging to the right just below the box should pull steps to zero, at the moment it’s very fiddly to set steps to maximum or minimum values and sometimes requires multiple tries. Also maybe add to the step LFO a function key to enable snapping of values and / or have shift key constrain values to clicked position when dragging horizontally. Step LFO in ENV mode would be good if the lfo started on fist step and ended on last step rather than returning to left hand value
Some kind of “drift” / filtered noise / chaos as a modulation source in the matrix, basically random chaotic wiggilyness, with fast medium and slow versions. I figured out how to use Filter(X) on the pink noise source to do something similar but a dedicated "drift" source would be way less fiddly to set up.
ability to paint steps / pitches into the arp by dragging along it. Modifier key + select a step mode would change all steps to that mode
multi stage envelope / editable LFO shapes
drag and drop modulation assignment or modifier key + click a control to select a mod source (eg cntrl + click on the knob brings up a 'mod source' menu).
Also I noticed that parameter names for automation in Logic are wrong or not showing up correctly for example all AHDSR controls show up as: “Volume E” or all the filter parameters are just labeled "Filter E"