Abot the midi:
Say I wanna use my slider one for Reso and cutoff how can I do that? Or cutoff and decay maby? Right now when I assign it to eighter one, it only works on 1 or the other!
I fully understand the matrix and it is very powerfull indeed I just found some limits that would be very nice to not have within the Synth. After all, patches/presets are more impressive at first look this way :-) I have tons of other ways to solve this ouside the Icarus.
I am making a collection of presets that realy uses the sonic rage of this impressive synth, I would like for it to shine within the synth since I have no idea if people would otherwise know how it can sound with the right amount of comp,saturation,Eq,phase, chorus,Flanger ect. since it often takes up more preset FX slots than I have within Icarus. Icarus IS likely to be a power synth with potential for replacing most other synths out there. I think if you load it op with a bit more FX routings like Warmverb it would kick the hell out of every thing else. BTW could we have the sourrund pan in Warmverb?
Fact is that Icarus can produce every sound out there in better qualty than any other synth on the market and some unik only to Icarus. I just made some presets that has a very nice warm analog feel like nothing but polysix could do, I can not thank you enough for that..finaly a world class synth must have if any one out there questions it still. It´s even more powerfull than Serum and has a much better sound quality in general.So keep up the nice work with Icarus and...pleace one more FX slot Markus I am on my knee