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Author Topic: Icarus feature requests  (Read 188276 times)


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Re: Icarus feature requests
« Reply #30 on: July 04, 2016, 01:44:52 PM »
Some lettering in the matrix; 1, 2, 3, etc...handy with full use if the matrix (three pages)


Markus Krause

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Re: Icarus feature requests
« Reply #31 on: July 04, 2016, 05:36:17 PM »
Some lettering in the matrix; 1, 2, 3, etc...handy with full use if the matrix (three pages)


Markus Krause

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Re: Icarus feature requests
« Reply #32 on: July 04, 2016, 06:10:03 PM »

About the fx section:

I know of the features but if you thing of common synths you have Comp,eq,Phaser,distortion,Chorus and reverb/delay. Normaly 4-5 in a chain.

Lets say I wanna make a chain with delay,reverb, distortion and compression!

1.How would you do that in Icarus?
2.The limiter is not a compressor...right?

Hello Stralner,

Icarus has not been designed to sound like a common synth. That's why it uses a different and innovative architecture. In Icarus the sound is mainly sculped with the osciallators and the filters. There is an enormous number of oscillator and filter effects available: Morph, Phaser, Flanger, Bitcurst, Resamle, Aliasing, Distortion, Ringmos, etc... The advantage here is that these effects are available for every single voice and not only for the sum of the signal. This kind of architecture gives more harmonic, punchy and precise results. Make sure that you don't miss these possibilities. I am aware that this might look unusual at the first look, but it's really worth digging into it.

1) You would use FX1=Delay, FX2=Reverb, FX3=Distortion and the Limiter (which can also act like a compressor).

2) It can do both and can act as a compressor or as a limiter. If you use a ratio above 1:10 it will act more like a limiter, otherwise it is a compressor.


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Re: Icarus feature requests
« Reply #33 on: July 05, 2016, 12:23:45 PM »
Hi Markus

Nice to know that the limiter is also a compressor as I expected :-)

You are right about the innovative arhitecture it´s unik in every way. I love this synth, it can be insane thats also why I would love to use the surround panning and the panning insert effects more and thats why I am asking. Maby you could make them as part of the GuI with a routing option  8) Icarus will make cracy pads with or without it but it would make Icarus the best synth for pads,atmosfere sounds ever. It just might already be just that!

So next is the midi assigment for the Matrix is that possible? And could you make it possible for me to assign a slider on my keyboard tomore than just one knob. or even better a modulation slot. Most of us will want to manipulate the synth in realtime  :P
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Re: Icarus feature requests
« Reply #34 on: July 05, 2016, 01:28:28 PM »
Hi Stralner,

what i usually do when i build sounds with movement is that i route the modwheel within the matrix. There are also other common midi controllers available like CC16 or Breath. They can also be routed to several targets.
The matrix settings are stored with the patch.

From the technical side it is no problem to extend the matrix with additional CCs. If several people request this, i'll implement this in an update.

If you click with the right mouse button to a knob you can also assign a CC with midi learn. The midi learn settings are stored globally for all patches.



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Re: Icarus feature requests
« Reply #35 on: July 05, 2016, 02:48:55 PM »

Abot the midi:

Say I wanna use my slider one for Reso and cutoff how can I do that? Or cutoff and decay maby? Right now when I assign it to eighter one, it only works on 1 or the other!

I fully understand the matrix and it is very powerfull indeed I just found some limits that would be very nice to not have within the Synth. After all, patches/presets are more impressive at first look this way :-) I have tons of other ways to solve this ouside the Icarus.

I am making a collection of presets that realy uses the sonic rage of this impressive synth, I would like for it to shine within the synth since I have no idea if people would otherwise know how it can sound with the right amount of comp,saturation,Eq,phase, chorus,Flanger ect. since it often takes up more preset FX slots than I have within Icarus. Icarus IS likely to be a power synth with potential for replacing most other synths out there. I think if you load it op with a bit more FX routings like Warmverb it would kick the hell out of every thing else. BTW could we have the sourrund pan in Warmverb?

Fact is that Icarus can produce every sound out there in better qualty than any other synth on the market and some unik only to Icarus. I just made some presets that has a very nice warm analog feel like nothing but polysix could do, I can not thank you enough for that..finaly a world class synth must have if any one out there questions it still. It´s even more powerfull than Serum and has a much better sound quality in general.So keep up the nice work with Icarus and...pleace one more FX slot Markus I am on my knee  ???
« Last Edit: July 05, 2016, 02:51:35 PM by Stralner »
KMS Musik Costummade sound design


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Re: Icarus feature requests
« Reply #36 on: July 05, 2016, 03:44:34 PM »
Hi, 1st of all... Congratulations! i'm in love with this synth! but i'd like to see some features added, here are the ones i'd like the most.....

1 - Two (full blown) MSEG's if possible, maybe a button(s) in LFO section that opens up a large window with them could be feasible? if not.... maybe just add Step 2 and 3 to the one already existing :) ?

2 - Lfo shape to be a modulation destination

3 - to be able to turn FX on and off 1 by 1 (FX 1, 2 and 3), instead of all at same time so we can see what each individual FX is doing to the sound ;) this seems important to me since we lose the ability to compare!

4 - One more modulation Matrix page! would love this!


5 - someone tought in this in KVR forum... is it possible to turn ARP on silent mode/button so we have an extra Modulation source (arp velocity) without actually arpeggiating the sound?

Minor things:

 - To be able to see better wich Filter is selected or what they're doing (maybe make them have diferent colours instead of greyed out) its kind of confusing to me as it is the 1st few times you use it [but my brain already got used to it now so.... :P....] minor thing :P


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Re: Icarus feature requests
« Reply #37 on: July 05, 2016, 05:44:12 PM »
Hi Tatsyn,

Since you mention the arpeggiator, I miss the gate in the arpeggiator! Am I the only one?

2 - Lfo shape to be a modulation destination
Is it not already?

Uhh it is not, so thats a very god idea  :P
« Last Edit: July 05, 2016, 05:56:57 PM by Stralner »
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Re: Icarus feature requests
« Reply #38 on: July 07, 2016, 12:37:11 AM »
I just tested the Flanger effect and it just does not sound like I expect. I get a lot of hiss like high frequency sound but not that typical metallic gargling. The Phaser sounds allright. Since it is almost the same effect just with different time/phase offset (if I have this right), i don't understand why the flanger, even with 100% effect on, does sound so weak. Maybe it is the missing "Manual" setting (I think it is the center frequency for the modulating LFO), so my request would be: "Manual" setting for the flanger (and more hearable effect when 100% wet.


Markus Krause

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Re: Icarus feature requests
« Reply #39 on: July 07, 2016, 11:22:24 AM »
Hello Dumbo,

you can get a more metallic sound if you increase the feedback.
The flanger indeed is a little to 'gentle' and could be more aggresive. I'll check out the default flanger settings and do changes for the next beta/release.


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Re: Icarus feature requests
« Reply #40 on: July 07, 2016, 03:18:20 PM »

I replaced the Flanger and Stereo Flanger effect with a better one. It will be included to public beta3 or the release version.


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Re: Icarus feature requests
« Reply #41 on: July 08, 2016, 12:13:38 AM »

I replaced the Flanger and Stereo Flanger effect with a better one. It will be included to public beta3 or the release version.

That's great to hear! Thank you, Markus, in advance!  ;)

Best Regards

Markus Krause

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Re: Icarus feature requests
« Reply #42 on: July 08, 2016, 09:41:35 AM »
Requested by email:

- White button selectors instead of black ones. White buttons could be added to some of the skins.

- If OSC is off the display is greyed out. This makes it easier to understand.

« Last Edit: July 08, 2016, 09:45:00 AM by Markus Krause »


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Re: Icarus feature requests
« Reply #43 on: July 08, 2016, 03:58:56 PM »
well, I kinda like the black buttons  ;D I like the GUI in general I have to say, it can not be more simpel. So to me it´s a fine job on that. To me it´s about workflow, you need a simpel fast and intuitiv interface. So from my perspektive whats missing is the important things like an Envelope editor and maby a filter editor even. Drag and drop assignment is kinda nice, or one of the more important ones a modulation slot. The faster we can make our sounds there and morf them, the more money we can produce. But I have to say that in general Icarus is pretty nice as it is. I think the competitive 2 things that will reduce or increase sales is the missing draw envelope and Lfo shapes. Fixed or open Env/Lfo is 2 different worlds to sound designers!!!
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Re: Icarus feature requests
« Reply #44 on: July 09, 2016, 12:03:51 AM »
This is my last request (so far  >:( ) : Could youi bring back the old naming convention in the arpeggiator speed menu (like 1 BPM instead of 1/1) It's just easier to quickly find the most needed settings (like 1 BPM, 2 BPM 1/2 BPM) That would be great!
