Thanks for the great v2 update. It is a really nice synth, and I especially love that it runs very stable and smooth, which isn't usual nowadays anymore. A real hardcore coder here
Since Icarus 2 is so great, I think it naturally rises wishes for even more (If the synth was not good at all, nobody would care).
So here is a little list with things I found, which I might know from other synths and so am missing these a bit. Feel free to be inspired or not, as you like:
1. A pre/post filter switch, so you do not have to sacrifice a whole filter only to have the distortion pre-filter. The filters are sounding very good, and it is a pity to loose one here. I also think this is very common in synths, e.g. Korg Radias, Synthmaster, Avenger and so on. I know this might "ruin" your very nice weighted layout at first thought, but maybe there is a simple solution for that. Or even if it was available under "Options" tab only, it would already be great.
2. Second step LFO, there also is space
3a. A tilt filter mode around 1khz for the filters, e.g. like the "tone" parameter in the distortion device of Renoise, it actually is a nice mixing filter.
3b. fold distortion, pre/post filter, which gives a lot of soundshaping possibilities, also nice to add high frequency harmonics. fold distortion on pink noise, and a bit of tilt modulation: Being able to modulate the "shape" amount of an ENV. Not sure if this is technically possible, due preprocessing or so.
5. The most OSC morph modes can be controlled in tone, but not always in mix-in-amount. I would like to suggest then to move the LFO 2 OSC knob to the matrix and instead place here an "morph mix", which mixes in the unprocessed signal.
OSC LFO1 also could be moved to matrix, e.g. for an unison spread curve knob, which makes different spreading curves possible, from logarithmic to linear to cubic/exp. As it is also common in lot of synths, e.g. Radias, Dune, Synthmaster, Melda MPowersynth
6. OSC->Tools: Render current settings a) without filter to new waveform, b) with filter to new waveform c) with filter and fx to new waveform
I get you might want to separate features into your different products, but also I would think that not a lot people will buy the other synth only because it has the one missing feature. I guess most people would like to have a most possible flexible workstation.
Thanks for consideration!