- Increase the capacity of modulation matrix (perhaps from the current 18 slots to 32 or 36 slots if possible or something). I already know there is a lot of features coming for Icarus2 and is nice to have a big capacity of slots at hands, even when of course is even difficult to imagine to use more than even 30, 25 or something like that, if there will be additional knobs assignments or macros for different parameters affecting the patch in different ways with different functions would be useful for presets creations.
- Upsampling/oversampling for real time and rendering option. I really don't know if Icarus would benefits with some Upsample options like other synths and I think that is already working in high quality mode?, according to what I know (and is not that I know that much) aliasing is in all synths at less in lesser or bigger measures and the additional processing while sound designing could accentuate that; and at least in some synths I have tested with some hard FM and more, and complex waveform (Sytrus, MSoundFactory...), the Upsampling/oversampling option almost always improved the sound and the additional noises and distortion of the FM process were less. So correct me if I'm wrong, if Icarus as the others would benefit with an additional Upsampling option would be nice.
- The "Phase" knob in the STEP LFO doesn't move the position of the custom waveform used. I don't know why

. but since you are already working in Icarus2 I know many things will be more versatile, capable and improved in all ways.
- Duplicate or increase the capacity/number and possibilities of everything in Icarus (more modulation, envelopes, lfos, fx slots, oscillators [well already requested before

] ext...). If or when this have place maybe a optional add "+" button would be useful for each section, so in that way even people that don't like tabs might feel comfortable with Icarus knowing the additional capabilities are at the end optional.
Best regards and best wishes for Icarus.