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Author Topic: Rayblaster and I nominated for the Schallwelle Awards! Please vote!  (Read 7535 times)

Mac of BIOnighT

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The Schallwelle Preis (Schallwelle Awards) is to electronic music what the Grammys is to pop music, more or less (the size of the two markets is obviously quite different, but that's not our fault...).
Every year the awards are given to artists and records that distinguished themselves in the previous year; there are four categories: Best German Artists, Best International Artists, Best German record, Best International record.
Originally the prize was restricted to Berlin School music, but now it's been extended to many other kinds of electronic music.
Anyway, I just found out that I've been nominated this year in both the categories of International artist and International record O__O   The record that's been nominated is "FUTURE RAIN" (listen to it here ), the album I recorded last year using solely the fantastic Rayblaster!
It goes without saying that I'm very excited about it, and even if I find myself pitting against very big names (like the record by Tangerine Dream with Brian May (Queen) >___< ) and my chances to win are slim, I'd love to get at least a few votes, so I ask that any of you who thinks I deserve it vote for me in both categories, I'd really appreciate it

So, here are the instructions to vote:

go to this page On the left you will see the links to the four categories, click on the first ("vote for artist 2013 national") and the list of names will appear. Scroll down until you see the name(s) you want to vote. Click on the button "select" you can see to the right of the name. You can vote for up to three names (you can vote only for one or two, you don't have to use all of your votes).

Repeat the procedure with the second category, the third and the fourth. I appear in the two categories "Vote for Artist 2013 international" and "Vote for Album 2013 international," please make sure you find my name   ;)
PLEASE NOTE: you have to cast at least one vote in each category for your votes to be accepted!

In the panel to the right you will see your choices, check the names and titles you selected, and if you're satisfied click on "Submit votes". You will be taken to another page, where you will be asked to insert your name and your email address (it's only done to verify the votes, you will not be spammed!). After inserting the requested information, click on "Confirm and submit votes". That's it Please do not vote twice, even with different names and info, they can tell and will cancel your votes.
Remember the voting ends on January 31, so please don't postpone this too much...  :-*

Thank you very much, in the unlikely case of my victory, I will let you know - please keep your fingers crossed

Bastiaan van Noord

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Re: Rayblaster and I nominated for the Schallwelle Awards! Please vote!
« Reply #1 on: January 21, 2014, 02:28:56 PM »

Congrats with the nomination Mac, vote! and fingers crossed here as well :)

Mac of BIOnighT

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Re: Rayblaster and I nominated for the Schallwelle Awards! Please vote!
« Reply #2 on: January 22, 2014, 02:03:19 AM »
Thanks!  :)  Let's see what happens, hopefully Rayblaster will bring me good luck  :)

Markus Krause

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Re: Rayblaster and I nominated for the Schallwelle Awards! Please vote!
« Reply #3 on: January 22, 2014, 04:35:30 PM »
Voted of course. I really love your tracks!

Mac of BIOnighT

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Re: Rayblaster and I nominated for the Schallwelle Awards! Please vote!
« Reply #4 on: January 22, 2014, 08:09:07 PM »
Thank you (and thank you for creating such great instruments!), I hope a miracle happens and I make it!