General Category > Warlock

Solved: GUI does not open

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I have the problem Worlock works in Cubase 11 prof.only in VST version 3, in Studio One 5 prof. not at all and in FL Studio only in VST version2.

I can only comment on Cubase Pro 11.

What do you mean by "Warlock only works as a VST3 plugin"?

What happens here  in Cubase is that it only SHOWS you Warlock as a VST3 and HIDES the VST2 version (so you cannot choose Warlock VST2). Unfortunately, this is what Cubase does, so consider this to be "normal" Cubase behaviour (it does this with other plugins as well). As I see it, there is nothing you can do about it.

Try this: Delete Warlock VST3 in your VST3 folder. Then you should be able to see Warlock VST2 in your instruments list (and therefore to load it).

Markus Krause:
Cubase works as expected. This host does not show the VST2 version if a VST3 version is available.

Studio1 is buggy. I made a workaround for it. However it should be fixed from the host's side, since it also affects other VST3 plugins.

I also made a workaround for FL Studio. You can fix it also from you side, if you go to settings->General->Main GUI scaling and set it to 100% instead of 125%.

The problems is caused by a bug in Steinberg's VSTGUI. I created a thread and informed Steinberg about it:

Markus Krause:
Arne from Steinberg and myself have been able to fix the problem. It was caused by a bug in Steinberg's VSTGUI. It did also affect other plugins.

Markus Krause:
I sent out an update. It includes new features, enhancements as well as the fixes requested in this thread.


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