General Category > WarmVerb Multi-FX

Routing module


What is the purpose of the routing module with the midi sockets? It doesn't seem to do anything.

Markus Krause:
Hello Maxdamage,

the routing selects between parallel or serial processing for FX2/FX3. I recommend to set 'mix' to the maximum
value to hear the difference between the routings.

A parallel routing can be usefull if you want to combine 'reverb' + 'delay' or for special effects. The output of both effects in summed.

A serial routing is usefull for the most cases. It processes all effects in a chain. The output of the effect before is routed to the input of the next one.

Best Regards,
Markus Feil

Hi Markus

Thanks for the reply. I already knew about the serial/parallel stuff. I was referring to the module to the right which is also called 'Routing'. It has 4 x audio jacks and a Midi In and Midi throu sockets. What is this section for?

Markus Krause:
Hi Maxdamage,

the lower right box is for decoration. When i designed to interface i reverved some screen space for future features. Instead of leaving a boring blank box i added some hardware-like connectors.

Best Regards,
Markus Feil

I guessed as much. Extra features = The win! :)


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