General Category > FireBird

Firebird in 64bit hosts

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Do you run firebird as separate GUI or integrated ? I've found recently that running my bridged plugs in integrated GUI actually is stopping any errors and reducing overhead demand. I still use the slow GUI, stop host taking control and timehack options.

Markus Krause:
Thank you for the detailed info. This can be really valuable for other users.


--- Quote from: LeVzi on May 29, 2012, 11:49:59 PM ---Do you run firebird as separate GUI or integrated ? I've found recently that running my bridged plugs in integrated GUI actually is stopping any errors and reducing overhead demand. I still use the slow GUI, stop host taking control and timehack options.

--- End quote ---

Hi LeVzi,

when using FireBird with jBridge I have the integrated GUI-Mode with the two options activated mentioned above.
A very good solution for bridging "problem-synths" is to use Wusik VM with VST-SDK 2.4 and bridge this little VSTi-Holder. Then load in the bridged Wusik VM your desired "problem-synth". This often helps a lot. But rethink that Wusik-VM has only stereo output.
You could also make the same prozedur with Chainer from Xlutop. Just bridge it and load the desired synths. Chainer has also only stereo output but much more intern routing capabilities.
In very heavy cases of a "problem synth" load Wusik VM within a bridged Chainer and then load within Wusik VM  the synth. With this method you can load every synth bridged within a 32bit or 64bit host.
If nothing helps you still have the option of mailing to the developer Joe from jBridge. He is very friendly and will try to help you in stone-hard cases.



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