General Category > FireBird

Preset Management

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Bastiaan van Noord:

No problem ;)

Hey I am having trouble using firebird in Native instruments Maschine. I can't load or change presets while using firebird inside maschine as a vst plugin. Can you help with this?

Bastiaan van Noord:


Firebird preset loading & saving requires that the host supplies an FXP/FXB load-save interface, as far as I know Maschine does not offer this, at least it didn't include FXP/FXB handling in previous versions.

Manu El Malik (GTHC-Studios):
Oh yes, I had the same issue in Melodo. It's a cool thing, but VSTs in the VST need an internal preset manager. Loading banks or switching presets in FirBird is not possible.

Too bad.


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