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Author Topic: Best way to control Volume with a breath or wind controller  (Read 3700 times)


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Best way to control Volume with a breath or wind controller
« on: March 22, 2018, 08:22:32 PM »
Hi every one I´m knew here and I hope I´m posting this correctly, if not, please let me know.

How to correctly control Volume with a Breath or Wind Controller???

I´ve tried several ways but I´m sure that I´m doing something wrong.

First I`ve tried to control the volume with midi learn in the main volume knob. My cotroller is a Yamaha WX5 and I have it set to control volume with expression, so the synth automaticly do it but the problem is that it is a little bit jumpy and when I stop breathing the efects stop too.

Then I´ve tried doing it with the modulation matrix:   first set the main volume almost to 0 (to have a normal minimum volume) then setting 3 modulations:expression to each oscilator volume.In this way was better but I have to boost the volumes of the sound interface and the DAW too much in order to have a decent volume and the curve of the volume is too small, I mean the control I have over the volume is not much. That was better with the first try (the midi learn main volume)

Last thing I´ve tried to boost a little the volume was to set another modulation :fixed to volume.

Other problem was that (mainly with voices that use a mild or soft waves like sine waves) in the bass notes start to appear unwanted noises

I would apreciate if someone could help,  I really love this synth and I´m sure there must have a better and proper way to do it.
Thank you.

« Last Edit: March 23, 2018, 09:49:23 AM by Alberto »

Markus Krause

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Re: Best way to control Volume with a breath or wind controller
« Reply #1 on: March 22, 2018, 09:24:10 PM »
Hello Alberto,

Midi is a very old format. It uses a low baud rate and usually only parameter values from 0 to 255 are available. As a result you sometimes can hear quantisation noise - like when you modulate a sine wave.

As a workaround the Mod Matrix of Icarus is able to smooth Midi Parameters.

You could try this setup:

Master Volume: Maybe somthing like 25

Matrix Slot 1:
Matrix source: Breath
Matrix targer: X:=Value
Matrix Send: 50

Matrix Slot 2:
Matrix source: Filter(X)
Matrix target: Volume
Matrix send: 50 (here the send level controls how smooth it is)



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Re: Best way to control Volume with a breath or wind controller
« Reply #2 on: March 23, 2018, 09:42:16 AM »
Thank you so much Markus, for your quick reply.

Yesterday  I gave it a fast try and what I´ve noticed is that with your setup was better in general but
the problem was that the minimum volume is too high and again, I have to lower the Master volume to get the
start volume really low like it shoud be.
I´ve tried doing some changes in the parameters but didn´t work.
Thanks to your idea I could think of another way
I didn´t try it much, but I think it was better.
Today I will try it further and later I will let you know how did it go.

The set up  was like this:

Master volume very low like 5 or 8

Matrix Slot 1:
Matrix source: (in my case) Expression (I guess it could be Breath too)
Matrix target: Volume
Matrix send: arround 90

Matrix Slot 2:
Matrix sorce: Expression (or breath)
Matrix target: Matrix A1 (that is the slot 1)
Matrix send: arround 80

Then controlling the oscilators volumes like you want them by hand.
That way I could get a normal minimum and maximum volume and the amount of expresion is kind of wide and smooth.
but like I said I did´nt try much...

I really appreciate your help.
Thanks again Markus!!!  I guess many people would agree that You are doing and impressive work. Congratulations!

« Last Edit: March 25, 2018, 01:23:37 PM by Bertix »


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Re: Best way to control Volume with a breath or wind controller
« Reply #3 on: March 23, 2018, 07:25:47 PM »
OH my God!!! Markus, Thank you so much !!!! It works like never!
Really smooth and the control over the volume with breath is greater than ever.
I must say you sorry because at first I didn´t understand what your set up was doing, but now I think finally got it.
Those modulations that you told me were just to smooth the jumpy parameters of midi signal.

For any one with the same problem, What I did is to use both modulations in the matrix:

Master volume very low like 5

Matrix Slot 1:
Matrix source: (in my case) Expression (I guess it could be Breath too if your controller is set to control volume with breath)
Matrix target: Volume
Matrix send: arround 90

Matrix Slot 2:
Matrix sorce: Expression (or breath)
Matrix target: Matrix A1 (that is the slot 1)
Matrix send: arround 90

Then controlling the oscilators 1,2,3, volumes like you want by hand.
And then I added what Markus told me;

Matrix Slot 3:
Matrix source: Expression (or breath)
Matrix targer: X:=Value
Matrix Send: 50

Matrix Slot 4:
Matrix source: Filter(X)
Matrix target: Volume
Matrix send: 50 (here the send level controls how smooth it is)

So far I´ve tried with diferent patches and is so great that I cannot belive it.

I didn´t know that sine waves can create easily those noises, still I can hear some when I make a sound with sine waves
but I guess I can mix them a little with other waves or filter them some how and get some mild paches like I want.
As you may know by know my knowlege about sound synthesis is very limited. I love this stuff and read the whole Icarus Manual but I was wondering If there is a way to study further the inmense posibilities that the Icarus "Mounster" you have created has.
I mean for example all those Matrix posibilities like filter x or many of them that I really don´t know what do they mean and how to use them.

I´ve tried many VST synthesizers in the past years and couldn´t get a decent sound having all kinds of troubles.
ICARUS is by far the best synth I´ve ever tried, specially for a wind controller. So intuitive and user friendly.
I can´t wait to explore all its possibilities.

Again, Markus I cannot THANK YOU enough for making it so easy for people like me that are not experts in sound synthesis.
« Last Edit: March 25, 2018, 01:30:31 PM by Bertix »