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Saurus feature requests

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Markus Krause:
You can request features for Saurus withing this thread.

We read and discuss every single request. Some requests will be included in future updates. Please note that there many different people with many different needs and there are technical restrictions.

HI, I asked Bastiaan already but for completeness. I wish the Save Favourite feature and the favourite folder from ElectraX is included.

Also I wish instead of just having to rely on knobs if there was a switch to turn off the effects, would be nice for both global and individually.



midi learn of all controls and buttons would be nice

Modal Logic:
Hi, great synth by the way :)

1. in the modulation matrix, could you make it possible in a future update for the source matrix to have the same options as the destination matrix.
for example, to be able to modulate the pitch of osc 2 with osc 1 and vice versa, this would allow direct Frequency modulation much like the jupiter 8.
I know this is done in a similar fashion on the FA noise dial, but its a little bit confusing.
this would open a huge palette of sounds in my view.
the voice output to osc pitch ext is ok, but i would like more options available from the source menu.
i own a jupiter 8 and 6 and the synth sounds amazing because of the ability to modulate each others oscillators with pitch or audio etc..

2. Also would be nice to see basic layering like the Jupiter 8
A basic whole, split and layer mode

3. And as has been said, midi assignable controllers.

4. Envelopes seem a bit unpredictable on very short plucky sounds, i cant get constant attack values on every retrigger of the same note.
Any way of ironing this out, or am i missing something ?

5. Finally the flow of GUI could do with a few improvements in my view.

Sorry if i seem a bit over critical, but this plugin is very nearly the answer to everything for me.
So it would be nice to get it perfect and be my turn to solution for everything.
Good work Tone2 :)

Markus Krause:
Feature requests by Marc Mosher:

My only notes for improvement would be to add FX params as modulation targets. Also, I’m getting some pops and clicks while changing up delay time and mix and reverb mix as a I play so perhaps you can take a look at that. I know you want to keep things simple but the “\” glide step in the sequencer would be great (I realize you can work around this a bit with Filter(X), but I LOVE that feature on ElectraX”. I’m addicted to comb filters so if you ever decide to add a filter type, I vote for that one :^)


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