General Category > Icarus

Icarus 3 - Normalizing every single cycle waveform separately


Is there a way in the editor to normalize every single cycle waveform separately so that the waveform in every slot has maximum peak level? Right now it seems I can only do that by selecting one slot and maximize the volume which would take a lot of time if I have to repeat that 256 times (or how many single cycles the wavetable has). I would like to do that in one go on the complete wavetable or a selection of it.

Markus Krause:
Yes. This is possible.

1) Select all the waveforms you want to maximize in the waveforms strip on the top
2) In the Wavetable editor select Mix->Maximize volume. This will boost up to 6 dB
3) Repeat step 2 if you want to boost with 12db, 18db etc

Best Regards,

Thanks a lot for your explanation. I tried "Maximize volume" only 1 time. But pressing it several times really does the trick. Now that I know about the incremental boosts I have even more use cases for that function which is great.

Markus Krause:
I frequently used the function in sound-design for enhancing vocoder and drumloop sounds. It works like a limiter/compressor

Thanks for sharing some sound-design tipps. I tried it with drumloops and having good results.


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