General Category > Icarus

Waveform Preview

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Hello, I'm not sure if this is user error, intended behavior, or a bug so I'll report here first. When clicking on individual waveforms in the wavetable editor it's not possible to audition the waveform that is selected. The sound doesn't change when a new waveform is selected. The waveform display does change and it's possible to edit the waveform that has focus.

Init a patch
Go to the Wavetable Editor
Click on any Waveform after the first one and the sound doesn't change.
Expected behavior is that the sound would change to reflect the selected Waveform

Is this just a setting that I'm missing or user error on my part or ?  :)

Win 10 VST 2 and 3.  Confirmed in Tracktion Waveform and FL Studio.

Markus Krause:
Hello Marc,

The Wavetable Strip display provides you with an easy overview of your wavetable, displaying all of
the wavetable's slots. An Icarus wavetable contains all waveforms in series and consists of 1 to 256
Select a single waveform by clicking inside the wavetable strip. The currently selected and displayed
waveform is blue. You can also select a block of several waveforms if you click on the wavetable strip
and move your mouse, the selected waveforms are blue or red, the currently displayed waveform is
blue. To add a new slot click on the plus sign at the end of the wavetable. The magnifer icons found
on the top right allow you to zoom in or out of your wavetable.

Just below the wavetable strip, two preview keyboards are provided to listen to either the complete
wavetable or currently selected wavetable slot, the lef keyboard is used to play the wavetable,
whereas the right keyboard will only play back the selected slot.
A speed control (found in the middle of these keyboards) is provided to set the wavetable's playback

Best Regards,

Thanks Markus. I'm sorry, I should have made it clear that I'm playing using my midi controller keyboard. It is possible to trigger the sound of the first waveform from my midi controller but switching to a new waveform does not trigger that waveform, only the first one.

I could use the on GUI keyboard but it's much better for me to use my midi controller keyboard as I can play polyphonically which allows me to better audition the waveform.

It seems logical if the first waveform can be triggered by midi that switching to another waveform should also work.

I hope that explanation is clearer.   :)

Any comment on triggering individual waveforms in a wavetable from a midi controller? This is the way things work in other Wavetable synths such as DUNE 3.

The waveform that has focus is the one that is sounding when notes are played from a midi keyboard. In Icarus 3 only the first waveform in a table can be played from a midi controller no matter what waveform has focus.   

Markus Krause:
When the wavetable editor is open and you hit a mini keyboard Icarus plays the wavetable and not the current wavetable. The SPEED slider defines how fast the morph is. This behaviour is intended and very useful for sound design.
If you want to pre-listen to a single waveform you can easily use you mouse with the blue on-screen keyboard on the top left.


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