General Category > RayBlaster

RayBlaster tooltips very hard to read on a Mac


RayBlaster tooltips come up white on a very bright yellowish background on a Mac. They are practically impossible to read.
For example in the top oscillator window hover over the Start word. The tooltip is very comprehensive and probably very helpful, but impossible to read. This is a serious UI issue on a Mac. I don't know if this is a problem on Windows as well.

Markus Krause:

Apple did change some stuff in their recent OS update. It only affects Big Sur in Dark-mode. I already found a solution for it and will do a fix in a future update.

Workaround 1:
- Do not use Big Sur

Workaround 2:
- Deactivate 'Dark mode'

Thank you.

Markus Krause:
The tooltips on Mac now also work in Dark Mode on Big Sur. You can download the update to v2.8 for free.


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