General Category > NanoHost

Nanohost v1.2.2


Markus Krause:
What's new in v1.2.2?

- You can display a keyboard with Config->'Show keyboard'.
- With Config->'Zoom interface' you can zoom the interface of all(!) vst plugins to the largest possible size - even those who do not come with a re-sizeable GUI.
- The executables are code-signed with a Microsoft-approved certificate.
- MSVC100.dll is not longer necessary to run the software.
- Many small enhancements.

Hello Markus,

 thanks a lot for the nanohost new features (especially the keyboard, this is great)

But as your Tone 2 VST  plugins are also available as VST 3 format , I would like to know if you had planned to add the support of VST3 to Nanohost too in the future please ?

Nanohost is my "main" VST host when I need to open a VST outside of my (heavy) DAW and since more and more VSTs are now available as VST3 format it would be great if nanohost could support VST3 plugins too  :angel:

As every work deserve a salary,  I think it could be fair if you would like to sell (or ask for a "donation") to add this kind of big improvement to nanohost   :-* 

many thanks in advance for your answer(s).
I am wishing you an excellent end of day
best regards,


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