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Icarus / Video about the Icarus3 morph modes
« Last post by Markus Krause on Today at 09:07:56 AM »
Matthew created a nice video about the morph modes of Icarus:

"A much as I tried to keep it as succinct as possible, I wanted to touch every single thing in an oscillator, including both Play mode and Morph Mode menus! And I sometimes can't stop myself playing with the currently-dialed-in-sound either.. But I think it is a pretty deep cut into every aspect of the oscillators I could find 🙂

Best regards,

Icarus / Re: Icarus feature requests
« Last post by zvenx on May 18, 2024, 03:37:12 AM »
Everytime I open the Waveable Editor in Icarus 3 it looks like a completely different plugin to the main page...and my OCD screams loudly :).

My FR is to make the Wavedtable Editor page look more like the revisions you did for Icarus 3's main window.. at the very least use the same font.
Tone2 Electra3 / Re: Loading Patches into different layers
« Last post by Markus Krause on May 15, 2024, 07:16:29 AM »
The correct path for custom patches should look like this:

Tone2 Electra3 / Re: Loading Patches into different layers
« Last post by Dumtek on May 14, 2024, 12:59:29 PM »
Ya, i went and tried every folder and registry option i could look up, to no avail.
However like last time I reinstalled and it worked perfectly.
I was wondering. Should I be putting my own folders of my own patches in the ElectraX_sounds folder?
Could this have caused the glitch? 
What do I know?  lol
Tone2 Electra3 / Re: Loading Patches into different layers
« Last post by Markus Krause on May 09, 2024, 07:53:38 AM »
It seems like the path where the temporary fxp file for the layer is stored is write protected. Make sure that your vstplugins directory and all subdirectories (or the place where you installed Electra3) has the proper read and write permissions set in Windows.

Apart from this I recommend that you upgrade your OS to Windows 10 or higher. Windows 8 is deprecated and not longer supported by Microsoft. It does not longer get security patches.

Best regards,
Tone2 Electra3 / Loading Patches into different layers
« Last post by Dumtek on May 08, 2024, 04:38:23 PM »
Sorry to be a pest again Markus but......
I keep getting the message prompt..."File write error. File is write protected, opened by another application or the path does not exist"
Then is actually goes to the folder where the files are, but it loads to the desired synth engine (lets say 3) as well as synth 1 both. And then at times erases the other layers.

At one point it did this and i reinstalled and it worked fine again for a while but then returned to this odd behaviour.
Am I doing something wrong?
Windows 8.1
Electra 3.2.1
RayBlaster / Re: preset browser lacks a scroll bar (Rayblaster & Icarus 3)
« Last post by AnalogSignal on May 07, 2024, 05:59:09 PM »
Thanks, I appreciate the quick replies. :)
RayBlaster / Re: preset browser lacks a scroll bar (Rayblaster & Icarus 3)
« Last post by Markus Krause on May 07, 2024, 08:06:43 AM »
No. You don't have to worry about this at all. The patches used in songs are stored within the song file. You can move your patches to another directory witout any trouble.
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